Friday, April 26, 2024

IX Lesson 1 Q/A


Introduction To Computer And Development( Q/A)


1. What is computer? Describe its key features.
Ans:- A computer is an electronic device that accept data as input processes data according to users instruction, and gives result as output.
A computer is a programmable machine that processes data, according to user’s instruction to perform various type of tasks.
Its key features include:
  1. Speed: Computers can execute billions of calculations per second.
  2. Accuracy: Works done by a computer have better accuracy than the work done by a human being.
  3. Memory: Computers store vast amounts of data.
  4. Versatility: Computer is highly versatile.
  5. Automation: Machinery, or software to perform tasks with minimal human intervention.
  6. Connectivity: Computers can communicate with each other and external devices via networks.
  7. Multitasking: Computers can execute multiple tasks simultaneously.
2. What is the generation of computer? Explain shortly.
Ans:- Computers are categorized into generations based on their technological advancements and innovations. Computer can be classified into five generations. Each generation has seen significant advancements in computing power, size reduction, and accessibility, shaping the modern digital age.
  1. First Generation (1940s-1950s): Marked by vacuum tube technology, these large machines were used primarily for numerical calculations and lacked programming languages.
  2. Second Generation (1950s-1960s): Transistors replaced vacuum tubes, leading to smaller, faster, and more reliable computers. Assembly language and high-level programming languages emerged.
  3. Third Generation (1960s-1970s): Integrated circuits enabled even smaller and more powerful computers. Time-sharing operating systems and the development of programming languages like BASIC and COBOL occurred.
  4. Fourth Generation (1970s-1980s): Microprocessors brought computing power to individual users. Personal computers and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) became widespread, along with networking technologies.
  5. Fifth Generation (1980s-present): Characterized by artificial intelligence (AI) and parallel processing. Advances include supercomputers, AI applications, and the rise of the Internet and mobile computing.
3. Give detailed information of computer generation running at present.
Ans:- The present generation of computers, often referred to as the fifth generation, is characterized by advanced technologies. The fifth generation of computers continues to evolve rapidly, driven by advances in hardware, software, and emerging technologies, shaping the future of computing and its impact on society. Here's a detailed look at the current generation:
  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI):This includes machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision.
  2. Parallel Processing: Modern computers utilize parallel processing techniques to execute multiple tasks simultaneously.
  3. Supercomputing: Supercomputers, with immense processing power and memory capacity, are used for tasks requiring enormous computational resources.
  4. Internet and Mobile Computing: The widespread adoption of the Internet and mobile devices has transformed computing, enabling seamless connectivity.
  5. Quantum Computing: Quantum computers hold promise for solving complex problems in cryptography, materials science, optimization, and more.
  6. Edge Computing: This is particularly important for real-time applications and scenarios with limited connectivity.
  7. Security and Privacy: As computing systems become more interconnected and data-driven, ensuring security and privacy is paramount.
4. Write in brief about the history of computers.
Ans:- The history of computers spans centuries, beginning with ancient devices like the abacus . In the mid-20th century, the first electronic computers emerged during World War II, such as the Colossus and ENIAC, which were massive machines used for code-breaking and calculations. The 1950s saw the development of transistors, leading to smaller and more reliable computers in the second generation. By the 1960s, integrated circuits further miniaturized computers, marking the third generation. The 1970s and 1980s brought about the era of personal computing with the advent of microprocessors and PCs. The 1990s witnessed the rise of the internet, mobile computing, and graphical user interfaces. The 21st century has been characterized by advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and ubiquitous connectivity, shaping the modern digital age. Throughout history, computers have evolved from room-sized machines to powerful devices that fit in the palm of our hands, revolutionizing every aspect of society.


1. What is computer system?
Ans:- A computer is a programmable machine that processes data to perform various tasks.
2. Write the characteristics of computer.
Ans:- Characteristics of computer
1. Speed:
2. Accuracy:
3. Memory:
4. Versatility:
5. Automation:
6. Connectivity:
7. Multitasking:
3. Define Hardware and Software.
Ans:-Hardware:- Hardware refers to the physical components of a computer or electronic device, including the processor, memory, storage, input/output devices, and peripherals.
Software:- Software is computer programs that tell hardware what to do. It includes operating systems, applications, and utilities. These programs manipulate data, manage resources, and enable user interactions with the computer.
4. How computers and humans complement each other?
Ans:- Computers are like super-fast calculators, while humans have creativity and feelings. We tell computers what to do, and they handle big jobs quickly. This means we can use computers for tasks that need lots of math or data, leaving us time to do things that need human thinking, like solving problems and being imaginative. Together, we make a great team!
5. Write the main functioning of the computer.
Ans:- Computers work by following instructions given in software. First, they receive input, like typing on a keyboard or clicking a mouse. Then, the processor works on this data, running programs and performing calculations. Next, the results are displayed on the screen or saved to memory. Finally, the output is displayed.
6. Write the limitation of computer.
Ans:- Computers are powerful, but they have limits. They can't think creatively or understand feelings like humans. They rely on specific instructions and can make mistakes if those instructions are wrong. Sometimes, they can't handle complex problems or tasks that require human intuition or understanding.
7. Define the term data, information and processing.
Ans:- Data:- Data is facts or raw facts, like numbers or words.
Information:- Information is data that's been organized or processed in a way that makes it useful, like a phone number in your contacts list.
Processing:- Processing is the act of turning data into information, like when you add someone's name to their phone number.
8. Write the short notes:
(1) Pascal Machine
Ans:- A Pascal machine is a simple device that works like a calculator, named after the French mathematician Blaise Pascal. It can perform basic arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, using mechanical gears or electronic components.
(ii) Difference Engine
Ans:- The Difference Engine was an early mechanical calculator invented by Charles Babbage in the 19th century. It could automatically perform mathematical calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This invention laid the groundwork for modern computers.
9. Why is Charles Babbage called the father of computer?
Ans:- Charles Babbage is called the father of the computer because he invented the Difference Engine and Analytical Engine in the 19th century. These early mechanical devices laid the foundation for modern computers by introducing concepts like programmability and automatic calculation.

1. What is the name of the machine manufactured by Blaise Pascal?
Ans:- The machine manufactured by Blaise Pascal is called the Pascaline, which was an early mechanical calculator invented in the 17th century.
2. What is the name of the machine manufactured by Herman Hollerith?
Ans:- The machine manufactured by Herman Hollerith is called the Hollerith Tabulating Machine.
3. Write the time period of fifth generation.
Ans:-The fifth generation of computers is typically considered to have begun in the early 1980s and extends to the present day.
4. What is microprocessor?
Ans:-A microprocessor is a small electronic chip. It contains millions of transistors and other electronic components integrated onto a single silicon chip.
5. Name two super computers.
Ans:-Two Super Computers are
  1. IBM Summit
  2. Fugaku
  3. Param
6. Write the main parts of the computer system.
Ans:- The main parts of a computer system include:
Central Processing Unit (CPU),Input Devices and Output Devices
7. Which generation computer was use vacuum tube?
Ans:- First generation
8. Write the names of any two programming languages, which were found in Fifth Generation.
Ans: C++ and Java
9. Write the full forms of the following:
1. IC: Integrated Circuit
2. VLSI: Very Large Scale Integration
3. ULSI: Ultra Large Scale Integration
4. CPU: Central Processing Unit
5. ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer
6. IPO: Input-Process-Output
10. What is IPO cycle?
The IPO cycle, also known as the Input-Process-Output cycle, is a fundamental concept in computing.

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